Rescue Dogs

October 7, 2023

Dogs and Separation Anxiety

Dogs are known for their loyalty, affection, and unwavering companionship. However, this loyalty can sometimes result in separation anxiety when they are left alone. Separation anxiety is a common behavioural issue in dogs, characterised by distress and destructive behaviour when they are separated from their owners. This condition not only affects the dog's well-being but can also be challenging for the pet owner. Fortunately, there are various strategies and techniques that can help alleviate separation anxiety in dogs, promoting a happier and healthier relationship between pets and their human companions.
April 15, 2023

Barking at the door

Does your dog bark at the door? This is a very common issue for many dog loving households. Barking at the door means that a dog is trying to create distance between them (or their house) and whoever it is at the door. This is their first warning that they might escalate their behaviour further if the intruder does not back off. This might be triggered when hearing a car door close, footsteps outside, seeing someone approaching through a window, on hearing the letter box, doorbell or knocking.
January 17, 2023

Dog Bites

We’ve all heard the news, right? 😬 Dog attacks and fatalities seem to be on the rise. Medical data looking at human mortality rates between 2001 - 2021 averaged a death rate of 3.3 dog-related deaths per year, which meant less than 0.6 deaths per 10 million population. Unfortunately, there have been no 'official stats' announced for the year 2022 but the media have reported 9 fatalities (this doesn't include non-fatal dog bites). This indicates that dog attacks rose significantly last year. Breaking news this week is that a dog walker has been mauled by the dogs that were being walked. Though we don't know all the details so we can't speculate, the outcome never less is devastating.
September 30, 2022

PICA in Dogs: How to identify and treat it

What Is PICA? PICA refers to when an animal starts consuming non-edible foods that bring no nutritional substance to them. This can be on a very large scale, from harmful consumption to less dangerous consumption. PICA has many forms, and one of the most common in dogs is called Coprophagy. This is when dogs engage in eating feces.
May 11, 2022

Adders & Dogs

DOGS MOST AT RISK Any curious dog but puppies or young dogs may be more at risk. Dogs with a strong hunting/scenting instinct and ability as they tend to be in the undergrowth more. At certain times of day Adders might be basking in the sun, for example, on a cool morning they may be out in the sun to warm up. Risk of a bite is also increased when Adders are first coming out of hibernation.
March 10, 2021

Prevent Separation Issues in Dogs

Your dog is probably relishing the extra time with you at the moment now you are at home, it probably goes both ways, I know my dogs are providing me with some sanity right now. However, looking into the future, when lock down is over our dogs are likely to suffer. You see, the more time you spend with your dog the stronger the bond becomes which is generally great! This closeness can be an issue for a dog once the owner needs to go out.
June 25, 2020

Rescue Dog: Decompression

Bringing home a rescue dog means some decompression time, you can follow the 3-3-3 rule as a rough guide on how long this might take. This stands for 3-days, 3-weeks, 3-months, it might take 3-months (or longer) for your rescue to settle into their new environment and for you to fully understand their personality, issues and quirks. Enabling decompression will help the transition for your dog into the new environment. Click to read more.
June 25, 2020

Rescue Dogs: My Story

In 2005 I was asked to take on a 6-month Italian Spinone puppy. She had been rescued by some clients along with her mother into a home with 2-other dogs. The previous owner had no time for them, he had rescued the mother, had a litter from her, sold the rest of the litter but kept one. The litter were born and raised outside in the garden. The new owners realised there were issues as soon as they entered the house and couldn't bare to leave the puppy behind, they thought, they could deal with taking on 2-rescues at the same time.