dog health

July 14, 2024

Protecting Your Pooch: Common Poisonous Substances for Dogs and How to Avoid Them

Dogs are known for their curiosity and love of exploring, often leading them to sniff, lick, or chew on things they shouldn't. While this is part of what makes them endearing, it can also be dangerous if they come into contact with toxic substances. As a responsible dog owner, it's crucial to be aware of these common hazards and take steps to protect your furry friend. This blog post will highlight some of the most common poisonous substances for dogs and provide tips and tricks to help avoid these dangers.
April 12, 2024

The Canine Connection: How Dogs Understand Human Body Language and Emotions

Dogs have long been regarded as man's best friend, cherished for their loyalty, companionship, and uncanny ability to understand us on a level that seems almost magical. From interpreting our body language to sensing our emotions, dogs possess an extraordinary capacity to connect with humans in ways that defy explanation. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of canine cognition, exploring how dogs perceive and respond to human body language and emotions.
January 10, 2024

Toilet Training Puppies: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcoming a furry bundle of joy into your home is an exciting experience, but it comes with its share of challenges, especially when it comes to toilet training. Puppies, like toddlers, need guidance and patience to learn where and when it's appropriate to do their business. With a bit of consistency, positive reinforcement, and understanding, you and your pup can navigate this stage successfully. Every puppy is different, the length of time it takes to train varies from pup to pup.
September 12, 2023

Do Dog’s see in Colour?

A question I often get asked is ‘can dogs see colour?’. The short answer is yes but not quite the way humans do. Dogs' vision is a fascinating topic that has long intrigued pet owners and researchers alike. The question of whether dogs can see in colour has been a subject of study and discussion for quite some time.
May 11, 2022

Adders & Dogs

DOGS MOST AT RISK Any curious dog but puppies or young dogs may be more at risk. Dogs with a strong hunting/scenting instinct and ability as they tend to be in the undergrowth more. At certain times of day Adders might be basking in the sun, for example, on a cool morning they may be out in the sun to warm up. Risk of a bite is also increased when Adders are first coming out of hibernation.
February 11, 2021

Dogs & Grass Seeds

Grass seeds or grass darts can find their way into your pet's coat, particularly the paws or ears, and get stuck! Often meaning a trip to the Vets! What does this have to do with handling? Well, the more used to being handled your puppy or dog is, the more likely you are to be able to avoid a painful experience with the grass seed!
August 7, 2020

Female Dogs First Season

Want to know more about your female dogs first season? The first season most commonly occurs between 6 – 23 months of age with most dogs having their first season by the age of 14-months. The time frame can vary between dog breeds with smaller breeds sometimes occurring at a younger age whilst large breeds occurring at a later age. How long does it last for and why do they act differently? Seasons last for approximately 3-weeks but can be shorter or up to 4-weeks. There are approximately 4-phases to a season with the first phase being the absence of the season or any hormones associated with it. However, towards the end of the first phase the body will begin to prepare itself for the season cycle.